Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Something of Note" or "It's here! It's here!"

Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages, I gleefully present to you: my first official published work of fiction! 250 words and every one of them mine! (Said 250 words do not include the title--that's not mine at all).

I realize the pictures are crappy and the text is blurry, but you can at least see that it's my name, right? I wish you could see the picture the story is based on more clearly, but I guess you'll just have to go buy the magazine when it hits store shelves. (According to a couple of people, this issue has not yet done so).

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a thank you note to the editor who chose my story.


Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOO! Nice story! Little twist at the end. I definitely see why they picked it. Seriously.....great writing.

anthrogeek said...

Congrats!! That's so awesome!

Kastie said...

Thank you, lovelies!

Amy Pratt said...

And now I have it in my hands.

you're so dark. ;P

Kastie said...

I know. But I don't MEAN to be!

Jodi Meadows said...

Oh awesome! Congratulations times one million!

Kastie said...

Thanks, Jodi! And thanks for dropping by. :)