Friday, March 21, 2008

In which I discover music

A few weeks back, someone I didn't know sent me a myspace friend request. I usually say no, but out of curiosity, I generally check their pages anyway--hey, it might be someone I knew once upon a time. She apparently found me through Over the Rhine's page (they are on my friends list). She's a singer, and her voice...instantly mesmerizing. Then a few days ago, when I was looking for her albums and prices, I ran into a few other bands I've never heard of that I like. So here's a list for you to check out.

1. Katrina Parker
The original. Just lovely. She's got six songs that automatically play when you open this page. I tend to prefer her slow songs, which remind me of Karin Berquist. Her fast songs are fun, too, and remind me of a smoother or older Fiona Apple. I've discovered that, unlike most artists, including the ones I love, when I turn her up really loudly in my headphones, it actually helps me focus and write at work. Strangest thing.

2. Trespassers William
Her voice is just so...believable. Or something. Maybe a heartier Innocence Mission vibe? ETA: Nope. I just listened again and it's a definite Aimee Mann vibe. Also, I think I like their stuff on their first notable CD (Disappearing Star or something like that) better than any of their other stuff. So I'm gonna stick to that one, I think.

3. Mandrake
NOT the German death metal band of the same name or the '70s Japanese electronica version. This one I like, but I can tell it's an "only in certain moods" kind of thing.

Have any of you made any musical discoveries? Always looking for new stuff (and loving the old).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I really like Mandrake so far.

My two most recent musical discoveries are Brooke Fraser and Kat Flint. I love Hymn and Shadowfeet by Fraser and...a lot by Kat Flint. I think my favorite to sing along with is Christopher, You are a Soldier Now.

Oh, and Rangers by A Fine Frenzy is one of my new favorites.

I don't know how to post links here but these can probably all be found by a quick google or youtube search.