Monday, March 31, 2008

Calendars are our friends

There's this thing called, "Scanner Panic"--and I have been experiencing it again. Specifically attacking me is the part where I forget that there's a "future" and feel overwhelmed by the amount of things I want to accomplish. Because of course I have to start them all this week or they'll never get done. Of course.

I'd forgotten how easy it is for me to slip into that.

So I ran to the copier at lunch and snagged three pieces of 11x17 paper. I divided them each into two halves and wrote years at the top of the sections: 2008 through 2013. Six years. Which still looked incredibly daunting and drawn out to me. Won't I be old and possibly dead by then? That's when I decided to also write in the lower left corner of each section the age I will be for most of that particular year. You know how old I'll be in 2013? 36. THIRTY-SIX!!!!! That's not remotely old! Heck, my sister just turned 37, and a good third of my friends are 35 or 36. And they're doing just fine. The age thing was far more grounding that the date notation for me, so I just need to stay focused on that.

For 2008, I plan to:
Edit Oblivion; Send out a book proposal (or 7); try to sell five photos; volunteer at the Equest Center (which I've already started--one down!); pay off the Spicer's; start savings for cottage; put together a columnist proposal package; start freelancing again; take an intermediate French class; propose three articles; and enter three story contests. And I have another nine months in which to accomplish these. That's kind of a long time.

Quitting my job is slated for the end of 2009, learning to cross-country ski and taking a humpback whale tour are 2010 goals, and in 2013, I'll learn to sail and take a calligraphy course. There are 41 other goals on the list for 2009 through 2013, but that's totally doable! I think. Because I don't have to do them all right now. (Getting married appears nowhere on the list, in case you're wondering).


stefficus said...

the spicers. you wanna pay back the spicers, not the spicer's.

of course, i'm not using capital letters, so you may ignore me at very little of yours or anyone else's peril.

Kastie said...

No, no, see there was an implied, but silent, "kindness" following. You see.

Or something.
