You must update when you have finally spoken to the brother of the "SOOOUUUUULLLLLLLLtakaaahhhhhh". Sorry, that reference doesn't get old for me. Watch out for snakes! (Sorry about my face.) Okay, I need to watch some MST3K and get it out of my system. For a day. Maybe.
Okay, update. He called me back this afternoon and chatted away for over twenty minutes (which I only know because one of my hyper-vigilant coworkers timed it. I didn't even know she was listening!)
He's very nice, and quite open. And he told me some great stories about his family and gave me all his contact info. None of which I'll be sharing, obviously.
Afterwards, I felt very self-conscious as the same girl who timed the call made sure to tell everyone about it. She wasn't being mean or weird, she's just an extrovert. I, however, began blushing. Very annoying. It's a center of attention that I don't enjoy. And now I'm just...confused. Which I'm aware is a strange reaction. No, not confused...bewildered. Bemused. Those work better.
Honestly, I think he'd be great fun to hang out with, really interesting. I also can't imagine that I'll ever speak to him again in this lifetime. But, hey, I didn't think I would speak to him period, and we had a lovely talk. So I suppose you never know.
Ugh. I just typed up a long comment that got eaten when I failed to log in properly. So frustrating! I can't even remember what I typed and it was probably witty and/or awesome.
To summarize: 1. SO VERY COOL! 2. Why exactly did you have to call him? 3. Yay for not being tongue-tied! 4. President Bartlett is awesome! 5. At least you were the certain of attention for something good! 6. You will so win the next time it comes to share work anecdotes at a party
I like hearing about famous people that are nice. I mean, they have all that wealth and opportunity, they should be happy and grateful people. Or at least not be giant asses. Plus he *seemed* like someone who would be nice, good to know that impression is fair.
You must update when you have finally spoken to the brother of the "SOOOUUUUULLLLLLLLtakaaahhhhhh". Sorry, that reference doesn't get old for me. Watch out for snakes! (Sorry about my face.)
Okay, I need to watch some MST3K and get it out of my system. For a day. Maybe.
Okay, update. He called me back this afternoon and chatted away for over twenty minutes (which I only know because one of my hyper-vigilant coworkers timed it. I didn't even know she was listening!)
He's very nice, and quite open. And he told me some great stories about his family and gave me all his contact info. None of which I'll be sharing, obviously.
Afterwards, I felt very self-conscious as the same girl who timed the call made sure to tell everyone about it. She wasn't being mean or weird, she's just an extrovert. I, however, began blushing. Very annoying. It's a center of attention that I don't enjoy. And now I'm just...confused. Which I'm aware is a strange reaction. No, not confused...bewildered. Bemused. Those work better.
Honestly, I think he'd be great fun to hang out with, really interesting. I also can't imagine that I'll ever speak to him again in this lifetime. But, hey, I didn't think I would speak to him period, and we had a lovely talk. So I suppose you never know.
At least I wasn't tongue-tied or awestruck, eh?
Ugh. I just typed up a long comment that got eaten when I failed to log in properly. So frustrating! I can't even remember what I typed and it was probably witty and/or awesome.
To summarize:
2. Why exactly did you have to call him?
3. Yay for not being tongue-tied!
4. President Bartlett is awesome!
5. At least you were the certain of attention for something good!
6. You will so win the next time it comes to share work anecdotes at a party
I like hearing about famous people that are nice. I mean, they have all that wealth and opportunity, they should be happy and grateful people. Or at least not be giant asses. Plus he *seemed* like someone who would be nice, good to know that impression is fair.
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