One of those things was hanging things on my walls. I've never been good at that because it smacks of commitment. Never mind that if I don't like it, I can always move it. In my mind, nails are permanent things. Also, I was pretty sure that I'd inadvertantly knock a hole in the wall if I tried something so foolish as hanging a picture.
No longer! Not only had I finally been able to decide on pictures I wanted framed, I knew just what the frames looked like, I found them right away for $1 each, I found black shelves that I have been dreaming about and searching for since I moved here (and have never been able to find) on clearance, two to a box, and I found a white shelf that required no tools, was super easy to hang, and would house my idea binders for under ten dollars on the very day I thought it would be a good idea. That was a month ago.
And there it sat. All in the package and taunting me with its unrealized potential. Until last night.
I hung a shelf. I PUT TOGETHER AND HUNG A SHELF!!!! This is unbelievably exciting, though I know it wouldn't be for most of you out there who have nowhere near the same kind of commitment issues I have over the silliest things. It took a lot longer than I thought, because see those decorative brackets underneath? Yeah, those took twenty minutes of me practically laying on top of them to get into the predrilled holes. "Just two hands and firm pressure," my Aunt Fanny. But I did it! (Let my shaky triceps of today bear witness). And then realized I didn't have any nails to hang the pictures underneath with. Well, I haven't bought those binders yet, so I put the pictures up there instead. And every time I look at it, it makes me smile with pride. I did it!
Rejoice with me, oh my friends, for I am beside myshelf with glee! (Hee.)

By the way, it's the phone taking the picture that's crooked. The shelf is perfectly straight, thank you very much. I even leveled it...after I'd already attached it to the wall, but still!
Very pretty shelf and pictures! Good job!
I never remember to level anything I hang. I prefer to operate on the whole "lean back and eyeball it" method.
That's beautiful....I'm so proud!
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