Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Just a quick post to note that, according to my little counter thingie, I have now officially been viewed over 1000 times!!!!

Even if it was the same five or six people over and over again (and my own posting), I don't care. Thanks, you guys!!



Amy Pratt said...

I'm sure I helped out a lot. :P

Kastie said...

I'm pretty sure, in fact, that they're mostly you. For which I'm grateful. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I look at this thing all the time for tasty tidbits from Katie's life! I would visit even more if she wrote more on it (hint,hint)

Kastie said...

Subtle....reeeeal subtle. :)

Fine. I'm moving offices today, but I'll see if I can slip in a post in there somewhere.