Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here comes the sun (doouhndoodoo)

I love the sun. I burn like a mad thing, but I LOVE the sun. Don't get me wrong; I love the rain, too. I'm a rain child over here, the classic puddle-jumper, rain-wanderer.

But still, I love sunlight.

This morning I woke up at Apple's. No one else was awake yet, so I had the morning to myself. I swept aside the curtains and lifted the shades and there he was--the sun. That thin, cool morning light flung through the window. A bunny was in the yard next door, chilling in the dew-covered grass, enjoying the early morning rays. And I couldn't help it (not that I tried very hard): I collapsed to the floor, falling into a modified lotus position, turned my face up into the light, and proceeded to do some hardcore basking.


Then Apple came out and, all squinty and sick, and grunted, "Ahhh...who let the sun in?" Heh. My sister, the mole, would agree with her.

So now I go to the rest of my day meeting friends (Tailyn! Jeremy! New Julia! JODY!) with my solar panels fully charged and my spirit able to breathe once more.

Thanks, God, for creating the sun and sharing it with all we earth-bound.



Amy Pratt said...

You're special. *pat pat*

Kastie said...

I know. I'm VERY special. :)

Apple Man woke up just a few minutes later and from down the hall I heard a strangled cry: "Augh! So much brightness!"

But everybody liked the bunny they'd never have seen otherwise.

Amy Pratt said...

seems just right.

Amy Pratt said...

Sorry, I don't know how to make that a link. :P I am HTML illiterate.