Monday, April 14, 2008

Considering creation

It was an interesting weekend. I had a terrible headache on Friday, enough to send me home from work, but Saturday and Sunday brought happy times and much fun with friends. Drinks with Adam, pizza and chatter with the Jewetts and Sebestyens, and baby showerness with at least half the people I love. Good times. But, strangely, Sunday night left me...not bereft, precisely. Empty? At loose ends? Suffice to say, I went to bed at nine for lack of anything else to do. I've sort of been thinking, "I need a vacation, I think. But I want one with something to do!"

This morning I got to work a little early. And in my email there's a note from the VP of my department about Calvin's Festival of Faith and Writing.

Now, mind you, I checked around back in January, again in February, and brought it up a again a couple of weeks ago. I'm the copywriter. It seems logical to go to FF&W. Plus, leaving logic completely aside, Luci Shaw is going to be there again!!! (I heart Luci Shaw. A couple of years ago I went to a reading of hers at the last FF&W. She was speaking on beauty, and when she started talking, my jaw dropped. Her words sounded like they'd been pulled from my head, then arranged in a far more compelling, coherent order and spoken out loud.) But no. Only editors get to go if we get free tickets. There was puzzlement as to why anyone else would even want to.

So, I'd given up on being able to attend, despite a coworker's offer to pay my way (which he can't actually afford to do--he's given to grandiose gestures). And then this morning the VP emailed me that she's arranged for me to have a badge. I get to go! The writer gets to go encounter writers! I'll have to take some time off work for Thursday and Friday, and Saturday--the one day I don't have to take any time--there aren't as many things I want to go to, sadly. But I don't care! I get to go!

Now I just have to narrow down what sessions I really want to attend. Heh. Just. That's an understatment. I can only go to one at a time, clearly, and there are usually three or four running simultaneously that I'd like to go to. I fear it will soon become a game of eeny meeny miny mo. Tiger toes, here I come!

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