Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sparkly news!

That is not my hand.

My bestest friend is getting married! Amy got a ring from Andy on Valentine's Day and it's lovely. The center stone is from her mom's ring and the four side stones are from a ring her grandfather had.

And I'm to be the maid-of-honor! I've never been a bridesmaid but I've been asked to be the maid-of-honor twice. I think that balances out nicely.

Andy and Amy (soon to be) Pratt have a page up here.

Look at me! I hyperlinked!


Amy Pratt said...

I don't see my hand. Where is the picture? Is it just my computer or what?

Kastie said...

I think it's just your computer. I mean, I can see it on this computer and my home computer. You can see the other one, right? And the puppy above?

Amy Pratt said...

I can see the puppy above, yes.