Chris Baty wrote me (well, every NaNoWriMo participant, really) last night to say that soon, they'll refresh the website and it will open for pre-business at the beginning of October. Forums and challenges and loot, oh my!
I'll be participating again this year, hopefully with as much success ("Winner!) as last time, and I encourage all of you to take the ride with me. More on that later. But for now, I just want to share some of the shiny things they sell to raise money that I want.
This year's t-shirt--verr cute:

Last year's t-shirt--my second year participating, first time actually winning:

And, finally, the thing I want most of all. I mean, all of their posters are darn cool, truly. But this is my very favorite favorite. WAAAAANT.

1 comment:
Wow, is it that time again already? Dang, that year went by fast. I still won't participate as I can't write for "jack shit", if you will. I don't think I've earned the title of writer/author if I put gibberish on page after page.
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