First, I got a letter in the mail, which I include below [click on the picture to be able to read the letter]. I have to say, I keep thinking it's not real. In fact, the realest moment of belief I had was when I first opened it, so I fear my sister got my truest reaction (on her voice mail).

Holy crap! I'm a real writer! People who have no idea who I am chose MY story!!!!
Then I called my mom to tell her about it and got the other big news of the day: She and Don are officially engaged!!! I don't have a picture of the ring or the moment, but this is a shot of the two of them on their first date (taken by my sister, who went on the date with them. Heh). Aren't they cute?

All in all, a pretty exciting afternoon, wouldn't you say? *grin*
My enthusiasm was dulled yesterday as I had been packing for a lot of the afternoon and was pooped, but WOOHOO! Also, Don likes pens. :D
Hee! I know! That was my first reaction, too. "Umm...that's an awful lot of pens." Though it seems they're not actually all pens. But I never got the rest of that story.
One of them looks like a tiny screwdriver. I think I have one with a pocket hook-on thingie. Most likely was my grandfathers's.
Also, if that's actually a Pizza Hut like the file says, that's the nicest one I've ever seen. I like to notice the little things.
I always carry numerous pens but at least as a femmy woman I can stash them in a purse.
I showed this picture to my mom and she said, "Why is he carrying so many pens on a date?" It's like there are big flashing arrows pointing at his pocket.
The man is prepared!
Congratulations again! On both things! Yay!
That's awesome!!!! On both counts. What magazine is it? I want to know so I can read it and tell all my friends! and of course people chose your are awesome and talented! and congrats to your mom. You had a big day.
Thanks, everybody!
Tailyn, it's Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. If you click on the picture of the letter, it'll get bigger so that you can actually read it and see the letterhead and the date of publication. (Same with all the pictures on my blog, actually). Sorry; I should have said that sooner!
So, where would I be able to pick up a copy of this magazine when the December issue comes out? Do they sell that at Barnes and Noble and other big chains?
Barnes & Noble should have copies...Borders, too. I'd check in the next month or so and if they don't have it on their mag shelves, ask (or have Andy ask) if they carry it, and if they don't, they'll probably order a copy for you that month. Otherwise, I believe you can order it from It'll be the December issue and if it follows the line of other magazines, that issue should show up in November.
oh there are the pens. There are only 4! I bet they are pens that turn into amazing lock picking tools. For some reason it doesn't look weird to me. Maybe because my grandpa always has tons of stuff in the front of his bibs. I don't know.
I have to say that I think they make a really nice looking couple. Cant think of very many that look better! As far as the pens -- it looks like he has a pocket screwdriver, a Sharpie marker, and two pens (after all, you never know when your main pen will go dead). He probably uses the marker for his job, as well as marking the price on groceries, since they dont price them anymore, and it helps for knowing when and how much items cost. I think they will be good for each other. Also, big congrats on the publishment. MD
See, now all of that makes sense! I do believe in being prepared; I just get to hide it all in my ginormous purse (which currently includes a swiss-army wire cutter, a full make-up kit, and a notebook).
And--I should probably know this--but...who are you? (I have my suspicions, but I hate to presume.
Thanks for the congrats!
Whoa, I am just an innocent bystander. But being that prepared can be a sign of inteligence. The average person (except ladies with suitcase size purses) generally doesnt see the need to be that prepared. But if he is that intelligent, be thankful he doesnt have white tape across the bridge of his glasses, and a pocket protector for those pens. MD
PS, I might want to meet that cute babe in the picture sometime. She is something!
You say intelligence, I say a volatile combination of paranoia and imagination ("...but it COULD happen!"). I speak only for myself, of course.
And, man, if this isn't Don, I'm deeply disturbed by your last comment. Get thee away from my mom! :)
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