Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Johari window

My sister just posted her own Johari window and I thought it was an interesting idea, so I set up my own. (And by "set up" I mean I signed up...I didn't pick any of the words). Please, do drop by and click a few boxes, won't you?

Basically, you click this link and it takes you to a page with a bunch of adjectives and you pick the five or six that you think most closely describe me. You can leave your name or be completely anonymous, whichever you prefer. And then we see how others see me in comparison to how I see myself. You see.

I'm hoping for eight responses. No particular reason, just a nice random number that far exceeds my actual expectations. :)


earthmom63 said...

There was a time I taught the use of Johari's window and now I've forgotten. Guess I'm on a different journey now, more in the dirt than in the head! Brings back fond memories....

Kastie said...

Who are you, earthmom61? :) And perhaps, as a former teacher of this thing, you can explain why it is that I could only choose 6 adjectives to describe myself. I think it's rather misleading to title one of the windows "unknown to self" when, if I'd been allowed to choose more than those few adjectives, many of those would also be included in "known to self."

Nonetheless, it's fascinating to see how different people think of me. John and Amy (at least, I'm almost positive the third anonymous is Amy) chose adjectives that very much describe not only me as a whole, but who *I* think they think of me as specifically with respect to them.

And then there's the anonymous person who clearly thinks of me as a frightened mouse of a person--their choices are all words like "nervous" and "self-conscious," and "shy." Not that I'm not occasionally some of those things, but I'm not remotely exclusively or even mainly described by them. So I'm fascinated by who that might be (I have my suspicions) and hope that someday they'll see what those other labellers see.

Well, this turned into its very own blog post, didn't it?

Amy Pratt said...

Why yes, I AM the 3rd anonymous. You are very perceptive. I do think of you as accepting as you are the best friend of someone who is the opposite in many ways.

I would never do a Johari window because I fear what people would put.