Monday, July 14, 2008

Nesting and Longing

"Nesting" is perhaps a much stronger term than what I'm actually doing which is cleaning my apartment so that I can call maintenance to fix my air conditioning. It may not be that bad but it FEELS that bad, plus, I need a good excuse to motivate me. Anyhoodle, last night I tidied the dining area (which, you'll notice from the pictures, is also the library of them, at any rate) and I finally implemented what I've been planning for eons. I created the centerpiece and set the table in permanent fashion (though I'd actually love to have placemats for the settings, but I haven't found any free ones that work). It's a different arrangement in the middle than I planned, but I can't find the green bowl that's supposed to go there so I was improvising. And I'm actually rather pleased with how it turned out.

In other, not-at-all-related news, I found a plane ticket to see Amy over Labor Day weekend--for $283!!!! However, I don't have $283. Who among us does, really? Which is too bad, because it's the perfect time for me to take a few days and visit. You see, she's getting married next spring. We've been talking about this day since we met in 11th grade. Now it's come upon us, and I'm far away. I can't help with any of the planning that we'd always imagined. I didn't even get to go wedding dress shopping with her. And I've never met her fiance. I'd really like to meet Andy before their wedding day, you know? He's going to be kind of important in my life. I'd also love to see her house and meet her dog and hang out with her mom and see the wedding dress and go bridesmaid dress shopping and... Nonetheless, neither of us has the fundage for such a trip, not even at this price.

She suggested I set up a PayPal donation account to raise the funds (and quickly, before this crazy special disappears), but I'm just not sure how I feel asking my very nearly as poor friends/readers to contribute to this trip for me. It's something that's VERY important to me, but it feels...well, I don't know how to describe it. I guess I'm asking how you all would feel about that? Or maybe I'm just asking for possible solutions and/or prayers. Yep. Email, facebook message, or post on here. Whatevs.


Amy Pratt said...

I hate debt.

Amy Pratt said...

Right now I'm waiting to see if I can pay for a prescription and not go in the red. It's such a fun balancing act. And I wish we could just get married in mom's back yard because it cost nothing to reserve it and it's big and I don't want to spend so much on catering, arg!

The table setting looks very nice, by the way.