Thursday, June 5, 2008

Words I love

This is by no means an exhaustive list, clearly. Also, please feel free to add your own words via the comments. (How I long for comments!)

Inglenook _____ twilight _____ dusk _____ filigree _____ imagine _____ flutter _____ cloud _____ razzledazzle _____ dark _____ wistful ______ facile _____ thought _____ wink _____ cozy _____ blurb _____ dangle _____ Venusian _____ folksy _____ weinerschnitzel _____ kinesthetic _____ poisson _____ twitterpated _____ kerfuffle _____ ballyhoo _____ puddle _____ pickle _____ dagger _____ dragon

[List subject to update at any time, with appropriate noting thereof.]


Amy Pratt said...


Amy Pratt said...

I'm sure there are more but I'm about to leave town and am rushed. :D

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with twitterpated. It's just a good word. ooo! how about bamboozled. I like that word too. whimsical or whimsy. hmmmm........INCONCEIVABLE! hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Good words! Kerfuffle is one of my favorites. (Although my spellchecker wants to change it into muffler)

A couple of my favorites are:
variegated, ephemeral and vagabond.