Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Uncanny Valley = fascinating

This is really interesting and also incredibly creepy. This woman is studying Dr. Masahiro Mori's "Uncanny Valley Effect" theory. Click the link to her live journal page for some really interesting images and videos, and be sure to also read the article that prompted her interest.


Anonymous said...

Very creepy. It'd be interesting to see someone expand on the UV research to see what features most cause revulsion and just how out of the norm things have to be to trigger the effect.

It would also be cool to see if the threshold changes based on age, culture, race or occupation. Would a teenager who's heavily into anime and gaming have a different (high/lower) UV threshold than an elderly woman?

Kastie said...

This is both the sort of research I would love to devote massive quantities of time to and the sort of research I should avoid at all costs if I want to stay as sane as possible. Still, you raise intriguing points. I think it would also be interesting to expand that into people who spend large quantities of time with animals or whose culture beautifies faces with large dark eyes as opposed to those of us that find that veers toward the soulless.

Is there a job that entails coming up with various theories and variables on which someone else actually sits down and conducts the research?

Amy Pratt said...

I saw this web page today: and thought of your posting here. She is creepy.