Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In the gloaming...

I had to go out last night to fill my tank and I drove there and back (a total of maaaaaybe 3 miles) with the windows rolled down, taking in the very tail of end of the evening's light. The sky was that really dusky blue it gets just before it goes all black and night sky and there were just one or two stars out and the wind was cool and fragrant and the black, graceful silhouettes of trees settled into their mysteriousness for the evening...It was just lovely.

It took me back to night drives with friends, coming back from the beach or home from a party or those wonderful times when we were just out driving to indulge in driving. I especially loved those. Quiet, not much talking, just wind and smiling.

That's what last night was, minus the comradeship, and I very much wanted to just keep driving. But since it took $40 to fill my small tank, it didn't seem wise. Which made me disgruntled to have to consider, because what I really mean is that it didn't seem prudent (one of my least favorite words in the world, if not the least). It IS wise to indulge in beauty and things that give your lungs to breathe and joy, dang it!

I hate when practicality forces us away from the feeding of our souls in order to maintain the feeding of our bodies (and those of our wee beasties). I'm sure we are the poorer for it in the long run.

1 comment:

Amy Pratt said...

Well, back then you didn't have a car to fill with gas. You pay more attention when that happens.