I just found out about an event that makes me ENORMOUSLY sad that my sister isn't in town. And might just tempt her to come back next weekend. I will cut and paste below so that you, too, can be invited to participate.
Zombie Walk!!
Oct 22, 2008 - 12 01 If you Haven't heard already, Our Own GR is hosting a
Zombie Walk! Here's a quote from the Facebook page.
"This is not a joke! I was contacted by True Entertainment out of LA and they'll be flying a whole crew and the host of a new TV show on DISCOVERY CHANNEL to film for a COMPLETE EPISODE on this event! If you or your friends want to be on National TV, come!
After the massive success and national attention of September’s Pillow Fight, on devil’s night Grand Rapids will try and break the world record for the largest Zombie Walk ever.
Zombie Walk: A Massive mob of people dressed as Zombies walking together as a massive horde in downtown Grand Rapids on October 30th at 9PM starting at Rosa Parks Circle in grand celebration of Halloween. "Zombie" Outfits are as basic as you want, white t shirts with some ketchup = perfect.
Confirmed World Record: 1098
These guys from Pittsburgh are the record holders, they hold the record at 1098, and are attempting to beat it this year. THEY'RE OUR COMPETITION!
More then ever it’s critical that we tell as many people we can about the event, through facebook, word to mouth, any way we can. I promise to do my part to get the word out as best as I possibly can if you do too. Put the link in your status, "post a link" or just invite friends directly, anything is appreciated.
Here’s the direct link to invite friends:
Websites great for working on a sweet outfit:
Also the B.O.B. has agreed to hold an event night in honor of our Zombie Walk, so our walk will finish for the Gates of Hell event night! They've been amazing in trying to get the word out, here's the info: The after party is "This after party for the Zombies will take place until 2am. Zombies are encouraged to join us in roaming around The B.O.B., specifically inside Crush. To give you a little more life, the Zombies get $5 pizzas and burgers until 12 midnight. The thriller dance or other choreographed moves among you and your zombie friends are strongly suggested.
For admittance to this event all Zombies need to carry an ID and some cash for entrance. It's $10 at the door and if you're a minor, we'll hook you up with a free Red Bull (While supplies last)."
And the nessisary info for the event!
Event Info Host: The Rob Bliss Urban Experiments
Type: Other - Carnival
Network: Global
Time and Place Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008
Time: 9:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Rosa Parks Circle
Street: 132 Monroe Center St. NW, 49503
City/Town: Grand Rapids, MI
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Contact Info Phone: 6162954562
Email: robblissgr@aim.com