Friday, October 31, 2008


Normally, I would never, ever do this, but I'm pretty proud of my Halloween look this year, so I'm posting some pictures. Of me. On the internet. Crazy.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I just found out about an event that makes me ENORMOUSLY sad that my sister isn't in town. And might just tempt her to come back next weekend. I will cut and paste below so that you, too, can be invited to participate.


Zombie Walk!!

Oct 22, 2008 - 12 01 If you Haven't heard already, Our Own GR is hosting a Zombie Walk! Here's a quote from the Facebook page.

"This is not a joke! I was contacted by True Entertainment out of LA and they'll be flying a whole crew and the host of a new TV show on DISCOVERY CHANNEL to film for a COMPLETE EPISODE on this event! If you or your friends want to be on National TV, come!

After the massive success and national attention of September’s Pillow Fight, on devil’s night Grand Rapids will try and break the world record for the largest Zombie Walk ever.

Zombie Walk: A Massive mob of people dressed as Zombies walking together as a massive horde in downtown Grand Rapids on October 30th at 9PM starting at Rosa Parks Circle in grand celebration of Halloween. "Zombie" Outfits are as basic as you want, white t shirts with some ketchup = perfect.

Confirmed World Record: 1098

These guys from Pittsburgh are the record holders, they hold the record at 1098, and are attempting to beat it this year. THEY'RE OUR COMPETITION!

More then ever it’s critical that we tell as many people we can about the event, through facebook, word to mouth, any way we can. I promise to do my part to get the word out as best as I possibly can if you do too. Put the link in your status, "post a link" or just invite friends directly, anything is appreciated.

Here’s the direct link to invite friends:

Websites great for working on a sweet outfit:

Also the B.O.B. has agreed to hold an event night in honor of our Zombie Walk, so our walk will finish for the Gates of Hell event night! They've been amazing in trying to get the word out, here's the info: The after party is "This after party for the Zombies will take place until 2am. Zombies are encouraged to join us in roaming around The B.O.B., specifically inside Crush. To give you a little more life, the Zombies get $5 pizzas and burgers until 12 midnight. The thriller dance or other choreographed moves among you and your zombie friends are strongly suggested.
For admittance to this event all Zombies need to carry an ID and some cash for entrance. It's $10 at the door and if you're a minor, we'll hook you up with a free Red Bull (While supplies last).""

And the nessisary info for the event!

Event Info Host: The Rob Bliss Urban Experiments
Type: Other - Carnival
Network: Global
Time and Place Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008
Time: 9:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Rosa Parks Circle
Street: 132 Monroe Center St. NW, 49503
City/Town: Grand Rapids, MI
View MapGoogleMapQuestMicrosoftYahoo
Contact Info Phone: 6162954562

Friday, October 10, 2008

Flash of genius

Fine, not genius. My muse has finally popped in for a visit, though. She only came by to drop something off, but I have her word that she'll be back and her offering is in good faith of future longer visits.

I had only the vaguest idea of what my options were for this year's NaNo novel and I wasn't really satisfied with any of them. I mean, I could write a short story about a million different things, but to keep something up for 50,000 words? I believe the word daunting was invented for situations such as these.

There was this one idea, though. I really liked the thought of it, but I wanted to do a little more research. I wanted to figure out where it might go. I needed to figure out more than just the main character's occupation. So I just let it drift in with the crowd of other truncated ideas floating around up there in my belfry.

Yesterday, I decided that I needed to start seriously thinking and planning. Last year a lot of my book was just me reiterating thoughts that I or those I know have had during clinical depression. I didn't do a lot of research--which is why my scenes in the police station were inspired by episodes of Law and Order and C.S.I. Anyway, this year will require something a bit more.

Thus I committed to that vague idea, originally inspired by a dream and now bearing no likeness to the original. I sat down to start a notes list--I only had one thing, but I figured I could add to it over the next few weeks. After just five minutes, I now have the main character list, how her family will work, what the male lead does for a living, pitfalls to look out for, modes of dress, and an actual framework for the story.

Seems this story might actually WANT to be written! That's a relief.

I might be asking for help with a title a little further into the process and I'll give you a brief synopsis then. For right now, though, I'm just baking scones for the muse's next visit.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Something of Note" or "It's here! It's here!"

Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages, I gleefully present to you: my first official published work of fiction! 250 words and every one of them mine! (Said 250 words do not include the title--that's not mine at all).

I realize the pictures are crappy and the text is blurry, but you can at least see that it's my name, right? I wish you could see the picture the story is based on more clearly, but I guess you'll just have to go buy the magazine when it hits store shelves. (According to a couple of people, this issue has not yet done so).

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a thank you note to the editor who chose my story.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ramble, ramble, ramble

Wow. Huh. September was kind of a slim month for posting, wasn't it? I'll try to do better this month.

Frankly, I was going to just wait until tomorrow to post 'Something Of Note' but I'm impatient and not likely to remember to take pictures of the thing I wish to post tonight anyway, so I'm just going to start here.

As most (if not all) of you know, I've started -- or restarted -- a Story a Day blog. We few, we happy few, we band of writers write to a posted title every few days currently and every single day eventually. One of today's stories contained the observation that humans are adaptable creatures and I was struck anew both by 'how true, how true' and by the fact that our very adaptability can sometimes get us into trouble. Sometimes there are things we should not adapt to: abuse, injustice, low expectations, 80s fashion... Sometimes we force ourselves to adapt, to make the best of a bad situation and then when the situation is resolved in the way we always hoped it would be, we're disgruntled because we've gotten used to the other and change is annoying. 'Now I have to adapt AGAIN,' we complain. But we do it. We find ways. We bend, to use a cliche, because those who don't bend, break.

Perhaps we adapt so notoriously because we're never fully content. Sure, we say, I've got a good thing going, but there's a possibility it's not the right good thing. So we'll try out this new situation, wriggle ourselves in to see if it fits, take a few tucks here and there, lift the hem an inch or two, cinch the belt tight so it doesn't fall off. We give verve to ill-fitting situations, carrying them off with panache.

I don't really have a point here, I'm just pondering. Just wondering if the adaptability we're so gosh darn, yeehaw proud of is really a good thing...or the thing that will ultimately destroy us all.