As I haven't posted in a bit, I thought I'd throw out some randomness, rather than trying to come up with something cohesive.
1. I was visiting one of my favorite sites this morning. fully lives up to its name and I highly recommend it to one and all. For example, the current article on Nikolai Tesla contained this gem of a sentence:
Though his notes do not specifically say so, one can only surmise that Tesla stood at Pike's Peak and cackled diabolically as the night sky over Colorado was cracked by the man-made lightning machine.1b. In the comments section, I also ran across an acronym that I haven't thought of in years. It's an extremely 80s thing, and for some reason reminds me of my sister, though I can't actually remember if she ever used it. SWAK, i.e. 'Sealed with a kiss'. Less well known than LYLAS or TTFY, etc., but I think maybe I had a sticker emblazoned with it or something.
2. I am oddly tired today. Perhaps because it's gray, perhaps because I didn't exercise this morning, perhaps because I didn't sleep well last night (though I thought I did). Whatever the case, I'm tired. So I was very happy when I found a lone dollar bill rattling around in my wallet. I can buy caffeine! I stood in front of the machine and tried to feed in the dollar. Why won't...go in! Why aren't you working? Then I realized I was trying to feed it into the coin slot.
3. I have a mini-rosebush at work, a thank you gift from a friend for whom I catsat. It's very pretty and cheery in my office. Except that the blooms are literally drying on the bush. And when I tried to deadhead one of the failing blooms to give the three buds around it a chance to blossom,
they all dried up and died within a day. But you're supposed to deadhead roses! I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but now I'm scared to cut the other dying blooms off because what if the whole plant goes?
4. I got a line on another possible writing group today. I think it's still in the infant stages (or maybe zygote), but it looks like it might be a good option for me.
5. I may commit to being in GR for another year or three. There's a possible house purchase (if I can find someone crazy enough to give me a loan), that whole 'might adopt a kid' thing, etc. I don't know precisely how I feel about that.
6. Tegrin spelled backwards is nirget.
7. My newest coworker sat across the table from me at Dan Kersey's reception. I did not know him then. (Well, I don't really know him NOW, but I assuming that will come with time and work co-mingling.)
I believe that will do.